About OpLog

I started this website to bring to light the actual reality that is happening all around us, to us, that is not being spoken about or actively being denied.

Here you will find opinion, from facts, even if those facts disagree with common thinking or studies. An example of this is food prices, which are very high all across the globe. The fact is they are so high, because of greed, not need. Supply chains are not to blame, the pandemic plays a role, but not a big one. Large corporate heads like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, own millions of tilable acres of land, and companies whose only purpose is to buy companies, own huge farms, forcing out smaller farms. This is all fact, not misinformation.

You may be asking what can be done, well a great deal can be done, no matter who is running the country. The power rests within the society, not with leadership. Change is happening, but there is much resistence, and I need to open the dialogue to what can be done, not what small programs authority figures would like us to believe in.

The answer is sites like this one, where I will speak about issues affecting us, as a society. That includes all people, regardless of labels, against oppressive, blind or violent subjegation. The types of backward rationalizing that has built a negative way of life, a negative way of thinking, and the selfishness and greed that is permeating all aspects of society, by just a few individuals who wish to capitalize suffering.

I will be opening the website to others, who have opinions and wish to log them, but not just anger, but thoughtful, fact based, reality.

My only hope is to inspire conversation, inspire thought, and inspire action.