The Strange Love of the elite with themselves. Often it mirrors the lowest classes, who also are the easiest to convince they are sovereign kings of their domains.
Category: Uncategorized
Employment Technicalities
I want to begin this journey with something that has plagued the United States since . . . . well the founder’s time. Unemployment.
We live in a capitalist society, as we are all well aware. That economic platform has made the United States one of the greatest counties in the world. The capitalist system has two states generous and malignant.
In a generous capitalistic society you find economic platforms such as socialism, and communism, and marxism, which are generally twisted into their maglignant forms, to fit ideologies that are oppressive. But in their generous forms these are societies that are more democractic in nature. The generous capitism is based in growth and awareness. Mostly through transparency, and integrity. One of the most generous societies on Earth, is New Zealand. There, when the population takes issue with the government the government takes a back seat and the population rules, and then the authority enforces that rule.
In the United States, capitalism means power. That power comes from forced labor, where companies made up of a few managers, direct a labor force that gives the few managers great power. When the company tires of its employees, or the employees age, are female, are minorities, or don’t hold a similar point of view as the managers, the company fires the employees. This happens in many parts of the world. But is also true of America.
This causes unemployment. Many states in the United States have unemployment insurance. It is a marginal stipend, given on a weekly basis for a 6 month to 1 year term. It is never enough to pay for the monthly bills. This form of payment is considered official and is regulated, documented and considered analytically as a rate. The rate of registered unemployment in the United States.
In the United States unemployment is considered a character flaw. There doesn’t seem to be any correlation between unemployment and bad character, but society as a whole either ignores or frowns upon the unemployed.
When the term of unemployment is complete, the unemployed individual can not receive any money from the government until they work again for a specified period of time. The individuals in this situation are considered unregistered. The rate of unregistered unemployed individuals is usually higher than the rate of registered unemployed individuals. The reason for this is simple many more people do not qualify for unemployment insurance, then do qualify for unemployment insurance.
Today, in the United States, there are a number of employer practices that are causing the rate of unregistered unemployed to increase. Artificial Intelligence, (AI), now filters all applications causing a great deal of confusion. The filters are called Application Tracking Interfaces, (ATIs) and they are poorly built and very unweldy, most of the time. The reason we need ATIs and AI, is because so many people are applying, to mass numbers of jobs, whether qualified or not. This is automatic job application submission programs, which send resumes that have been altered to fit a job ads requirements with AI, within minutes of a job placement ad going live on a job board or job website.
With the first 15 minutes jobs can receive between 5 and 15 applications, within the next 45 mintues, hundreds of resumes post to the jobs. The job boards, and posting websites, have taken to no longer showing how many applications a job ad receives, or when the date the job was posted. People would just stop applying.
The employment market is glutted with resumes that match job ad descriptions almost exactly as written. Not only are the requirements impossible for anyone to meet exactly as written, the people who would be qualified are usually locked out of the application process.
The result is, jobs that are advertised in October, are then readvertised in December, because the new hire didn’t have the required skills, AI did.
The resulting long lasting unemployment leads to homelessness, crime, drugs and addiction.
There are some hard answers to this problem, not all of them impossible to implement. But transparency does lead to results. A more comprehensive rating system, would open a few eyes, the eyes that have authority. It would show just how skewed the job markets have become. Hiding behind politics, and satisfying the loudest voices, has effectively reduced us to a society that has a huge three funnel system. The money pours upward, into the funnels, because they are upside down.
Funnel one, Super Wealthy
Funnel two, Middle Class
Funnel three, Poor
There are ways to mitigate this, if we are willing to work to do it.