The real coup is happening behind the scenes, away from the dangerous and wholly chaotic takeover of government payment systems and the dismantling of the institutions of education and justice. It is the losing of battles with China and Russia, battles hard fought and won since 1961, and the Kennedy Administration.
Right now at the forefront of our foreign relations, there is an attempt to claim Canada as an annex of the United States, Greenland has also been named, and South Africa is risking invasion by US authorities. Iran is being forced to explore a violent answer to the Trump administration’s declaration of violence if Iran does not meet their demands. All that being said, and it is all bad, the real conquest is taking place with Russia and China.
There is presently a cold war taking place with China, but Trump doesn’t seem to be fighting that war. Instead, the administration is quietly allowing China inroads into our foreign intelligence, by not stopping the flow of intelligence from the U S to China, through blustering of the international finance community. Many of the financial and intelligence organizations the previous administration set in place Trump is dismantling, while trampling the agreements we have with Mexico and Canada.
This constant contradictory political destruction of the U S instrutional infrastructure speaks directly to helping Russia and China interest in infiltrating U S Intelligence and Policy. Once in the systems of government, is it a short walk from unwitting helper to full partner.
Read the article from the Dispatch
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